Portretwissel met Louise Degraeve

Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert lives and works in Brussels. They studied law at the Moscow State Law Academy, Russia (2007-2011), fine arts at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Ghent (2013-2017), and sociology at Ghent University (2017-2024). These diverse backgrounds in law, fine arts, and sociology form the foundation of their artistic practice, influencing both its content and form.

As a multidisciplinary artist, Anyuta works at the intersection of visual arts, in situ performance, theater, and participatory art. Their work explores the theme of intimacy through hyper-personal reflections, constantly questioning the boundary between the private and the public, the individual and the collective. From a sociological perspective, they investigate how people create meaning and how interactions unfold within social structures. At the same time, they examine how the hyper-personal can engage in dialogue with bureaucratic systems and legal frameworks. This results in an artistic practice where intimacy is not separate from the societal but deeply intertwined with it.

Their work has been presented in Belgium, the Netherlands, Russia, Portugal, UK, and India, including at Red Star Line Museum in Antwerp, Kaaitheater in Brussels, De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, and Kunsttempel in Kassel. It encompasses installations, performances, participatory projects, and lectures.

Since 2016, Anyuta has collaborated with Kim Snauwaert on BETWEEN US, a long-term research project exploring the relationship between art, law, and social structures. Collaboration is an essential part of their practice, in which generosity, social engagement, and empathy play a central role. Within BETWEEN US, they challenge legal and societal conventions by approaching the personal as a space of public and political negotiation.

Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert woont en werkt in Brussel. Hun studeerde rechten aan de Moskouse Staatsacademie voor Recht, Rusland (2007-2011), beeldende kunsten aan de Koninklijke Academie voor Schone Kunsten, Gent (2013-2017) en sociologie aan de Universiteit Gent (2017-2024). Deze uiteenlopende achtergronden in recht, beeldende kunst en sociologie vormen de basis van hun artistieke praktijk en beïnvloeden zowel de inhoud als de vorm van hun werk.

Als multidisciplinair kunstenaar werkt Anyuta op het snijvlak van beeldende kunst, in situ performance, theater en participatieve kunst. Hun werk onderzoekt het thema intimiteit door middel van hyperpersoonlijke reflecties, waarbij de grens tussen het private en het publieke, het individuele en het collectieve voortdurend wordt bevraagd. Vanuit een sociologisch perspectief onderzoeken hun de manieren waarop mensen betekenis creëren en hoe interacties binnen sociale structuren zich ontvouwen. Tegelijkertijd bevragen hun hoe het hyperpersoonlijke een dialoog kan aangaan met bureaucratische systemen en juridische kaders. Zo ontstaat een artistieke praktijk waarin het intieme niet losstaat van het maatschappelijke, maar er juist diep mee verweven is.

Hun werk is gepresenteerd in België, Nederland, Rusland, Portugal, VK en India, onder andere in Red Star Line Museum in Antwerpen, Kaaitheater in Brussel, De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam, en Kunsttempel in Kassel. Het omvat installaties, performances, participatieve projecten en lezingen.

Sinds 2016 werkt Anyuta samen met Kim Snauwaert aan BETWEEN US, een langdurig onderzoeksproject dat de relatie tussen kunst, wetgeving en sociale structuren onderzoekt. Samenwerking vormt een essentieel onderdeel van hun praktijk, waarin generositeit, sociale betrokkenheid en empathie centraal staan. Binnen BETWEEN US dagen ze juridische en maatschappelijke conventies uit door het persoonlijke als een veld van publieke en politieke onderhandeling te benaderen.



2024 - MSc Sociology (University of Ghent)
2017 - MFA (Royal Academy of Fine Arts, Ghent)
2011 - LLM (Moscow State Law Academy, Moscow)

Exhibitions & Festivals

2025 - city sinfonietta 001, surround audio installation, presented in the Connecting Commutes, artistic program of the Portuguese Capital of Culture Braga 25 (PT)
2025 - Echoes of Protest – A Conversation in 2050, video work, Amnesty International (UK)

2024 - a walk during which the participants will tread their own route and take a few stops designed in such a way that the artist can share her fascination with art history, history of walking, city development, psychology, and other fields presented in CC De Ververij, Ronse

2023 - Group exhibition Please leave your message!, Kunsttempel, Kassel (DE)
2023 - Group exhibition Input/Output, CC Brugge
2023 - a walk during which the participants will tread their own route and take a few stops designed in such a way that the artist can share her fascination with art history, history of walking, city development, psychology, and other fields presented in nadine, Brussels

2022 - a walk during which the participants will tread their own route and take a few stops designed in such a way that the artist can share her fascination with art history, history of walking, city development, psychology, and other fields presented in Denderland Geraardsbergen, Kunsthal Gent

2021 - Installation & Theatre Performance, A Number of Contradictions, Ignorances and Oddities, De Grote Post, Oostende, De Brakke Grond, Amsterdam, Kaaistudio’s, Brussel, Leieatheater, Deinze (NL, BE)
2021 - Participatory project, Wijktotem Bloemekenswijk (BE)

2020 - Group exhibition mo(nu)ment, installation, I think it's beautiful when people dare to question their own premises and empty their hearts for the new, KAAP & Mu.Zee, Oostende (BE)
2020 - Installation, Between Us, Red Star Line Museum, Antwerp (BE)
2020 - Lecture-performance, A Number of Contradictions, Ignorances and Oddities, Kaaitheater, Brussels (BE)
2020 - Performance, Female Russian immigrant I married for papiers and turned into my muse in order to make a career as a woman, Kaaitheater, Brussels (BE)

2019 - Installation, Between Us: police file, workspacebrussels, Brussels (BE)
2019 - Performative walk Walking in Flora as if it was a medieval city that has been the capital of the County of Flanders from early 1089 on till when Ghent took over, during Spelen met Flora. Curated by Nicolas Leus, Post X, Ghent (BE)

2018 - Installation, Between us. SAKER festival. Ghent (BE)
2018 - Installation & conversation, Between us: wedding dance. Kunstenfestival Plan B. Bekegem (BE)
2018 - Ritual, Between us: the wedding. Theater Aan Zee festival. Ostend (BE)
2018 - Presentation, Between us: the conversation. Theater Aan Zee festival. Ostend (BE) 2017 - Presentation, The Marriage. Sacrifice festival. NEXT festival. BUDA, Kortrijk (BE) 2017 - Participatory activity, (on)gelukkig symbool. De Koer, Ghent (BE)

2017 - Walk, The Little Stones. Bij De Vieze Gasten, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Participatory activity, Kijk in de wijk, festival Drawing Days, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Group exhibition, Sorry, Not Sorry, participatory sculpture, Symbolen: Schipperskaai, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Performance, The Not-Objects Auction. Croxhapox, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Performance, The Marriage: Marriage contract. HOOGTIJ/laagtij. Gouvernement / Vooruit, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Expo, We Are Happy When We Make This. Museum Dr. Guislain, Creabar, Bij De Vieze Gasten, Treck, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Performance, The Marriage: Proposal. Croxhapox, Ghent (BE)

2016 - Performance, Why did I move to Belgium. STUK, Leuven (BE)
2016 - Screening, Bifurcation point. Indian Photography Festival, Hyderabad (IN)
2016 - Performance, Bifurcation point. Heart Shaped Opinions Exhibition KASK. Arne&Vinie Galerie, Ghent (BE)

2015 - Performance, Glitter Bending Octopus. Marcos Simoes & Sara Manente, Ghent (BE) 2014 - Group exhibition, Orange Kingdom, State Art Exhibition Space 'Na Kashirke', Moscow (RU)

2013 - Poetry reading, Rotterdam Theater, Rotterdam (NL)

2022 - 2024 artistic and general coordinator of NICC (BE)

2017 - 2021 artistic co-direction of croxhapox (BE)


Nominations / Prizes

2021 - Research grant by Flemish Government
2018 - Research grant by Flemish Government
2017 - Arts in Society Award
2014 - 1st prize in photography context "Orange Kingdom", Moscow (RU)
2014 - Editors Pick, LensCulture Portrait Photography Award

2023 - Interview, In gesprek met Anyuta Wiazemsky Snauwaert GLEAN (BE)
2023 - Podcast, Wat hebben een romanesco en een schelp met elkaar gemeen? En wat zegt dat over jou? Re-Story (BE)
2023 - Article, Wat vinden Russische Belgen van de oorlog in Oekraïne? ‘Ik heb me nog nooit zo Russisch gevoeld als sinds de invasie’, De Morgen (BE)
2023 - Article, Solidariteit… What’s in a name? H ART (BE)
2022 - Voice in the article series, Keeping (War)time, Collateral (BE)
2022 - Article, Grootstedelijk Gebied Gent, Rekto:Verso (BE)
2018 - Publication, Kijk, presented in the Museum Dr. Guislain (BE)
2018 - Photo series, Gender, ZiZo-magazine (BE)
2018 - Article, Ван Гог, террористы, китайские гангстеры: 9 фильмов, показанных на Гентском кинофестивале, Discours.io (RU)
2018 - Article, Настоящее в музее. Авангард Шрёдингера, Discours.io (RU)
2017 - Article, Что в технологии тебе моей: глобальные тренды–2017, Discours.io (RU)
2017 - Publication, HOOGTIJ/laagtij, Gouvernement (BE)
2016 - Article, «Решают те, кто делает»: интервью с Брамом Кревитсом, Discours.io (RU)
2016 - Article, Цветы — это не то, чем они кажутся, Discours.io (RU)
2016 - Article, Почему я переехал(а)..., Discours.io (RU)
2016 - Article, Солнце светит и в Сибири, Discours.io (RU)


2024 - Guest teacher, project week KdG School of Arts, Antwerpen (BE)
2023 - … board member MORPHO vzw
2022 - … board member Citadelic vzw
2022 - … board member WalkinGent vzw
2021 - Guest teacher at Summer Academy, De Veerman (BE)
2019-2023 - Member of Petit Comité of Gents Kunstenoverleg
2019 - 2020 - Embedded artist in the city administration of Ghent, Cultural Adaptations, Creative Carbon Scotland, Greentrack, TILLT, AXIS (EU, UK, SE, IE, BE)
2018 - Workshop coordination, S.M.A.K. Beweegt, S.M.A.K., mentormentor, PC Dr. Guislain, Ghent (BE)
2018 - Guest speaker, University of Antwerp (BE)
2018 - Community art project ‘Wijktotems Binnenstebuiten’, Ghent (BE)
2017 - 2020 Project ‘KIJK’ in collaboration with Museum Dr. Guislain and Psychiatrisch Centrum Dr. Guislain, Ghent (BE)
2017 - Internship for David Helbich, festival ‘Rainy Days’; Luxemburg (LU)
2016 - Guest teacher, School of Arts; Antwerp (BE)
