
[fotografie] nieuwjaarsreceptie in de Louisbergpark

A little assignment for the city of Ghent — but a very pleasant one to work on. Here a couple of pictures from a New Year reception in Louisbergpark, In every neighbourhood of Ghent there are such receptions, every year. A great opportunity to meet new people. / Een klein opdrachtje voor stad Gent maar wel super plezant om eraan te werken. Hier zie je enkele beelden van de nieuwjaarsreceptie in Louisbergpark. In Gent worden er elk jaar zulke recepties georganiseerd voor alle buurtbewoners.

Winterontbijt in Dampoort

Here are the pictures I took during so-called 'winter breakfast' in December, 2017. It is an event that local municipality organizes for everyone who lives in the neighbourhood or around. Everyone is welcome and it is absolutely free. The main idea of the event is to let people meet each other and different cultures presented in the neighbourhood. I personally loved that there were Polish people who offered some Polish food. It was super tasty and it made think of New Year salads in Moscow, like my mom used to make.

V.A. Zhbankov (Promises demand patience)

Давным-давно, почти три года назад, я провела свою лучшую фотосессию на плёночную камеру 6x6". К сожалению, плёнку я вставить забыла, так что сделанные с невероятным тщанием фотографии никогда не увидели свет. А это — пробники для замера экспозиции, они позволяют немно-о-ожечко представить, как же гениальные снимки выглядели. Как молоды и безбашенны мы были. Как много же мы пили.

Long-long time ago, about three years ago, I have had the best photo session I have ever performed with a Hasselblad camera. Unfortunately, I forgot to load it. So the brilliant pictures were captured only with air and have never seen the light of day. Here are some tests made to measure the exposure so you can have a glimpse of how genius the pictures could have been. Ah, oh, we were so young and reckless. Ah, oh, we drank so hard.