KIJK! - Drawings from 1 April

I organized this session, and I had then a very particular feeling... I didn't do it for two weeks but I didn't have to feel guilty for not organizing the event, it was there with Peter. I felt much calmer and rested and excited. And there were quite a few people who came and I had a feeling that it starts to become a community. 

More info about the project:

KIJK! - Drawings from 18 March

This was a big day for the project. The first time that it happened without me, with the help of Peter Stanssens to whom my warmest and biggest thanks. It is so great to work on such a project together with other people.

Every Saturday in psychiatric center Guislain: drawings, films, and pastry. Welcome :)

More info about the project:

The sound research — session # 2

In the second 'sound research' session, we began with listening to Olivier Messiaen and Goldberg variations on Bach. Bit per bit we started exploring what kind of sounds can one make with die KUNSTZEITUNG.

Later, we thought of a few 'tasks' we can 'answer to' using the newspaper sounds. For instance, 'slower', 'faster', 'happy', 'dramatic', 'tick a page for 10 times'. The tasks were written on paper cards and the conductor was showing us them to direct us. And here's what we got.

Happy happy women day

I had a workshop today in Bloemekenswijk, Ghent, as a part of a festivity for the Women's day. It was an introduction to my project "Is it creative? Yes. Is it art?" 

I must say, it was really, really, really highly enjoyable. It was really interesting to talk about what is art, and what's the threshold, and about the art market. It was also wonderful that everyone found her own style. 

Thank you, ladies! There are still 5 places to inscribe for the workshop. It will happen in the buurt centrum Bloemekenswijk on Wednesday morning, starting next week for 10 times. I will post an update with the program very soon. Don't hesitate to write me if you have any questions!

Poging nummer zo veel

k voel het dat België, vooral Vlaanderen, mijn huis is. Doch mijn verblijfstitel geeft me enkel recht op verblijf van bepaalde duur. Ik vind het erg dat ik in de plaats waar ik me thuis voel enkel voor maar bepaalde duur mag blijven. Hieronder is er briefwisseling die ik onlangs met een Sociaal Bureau voor Kunstenaars gehad heb.

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Drawings from KIJK!

Actually, I should have done it much earlier. But it's better late than never. I tried to order all the drawings I've called up to this point and starting from the next session I will try to keep the archive a bit more organized, noting in which month which drawing was made.

Also, I will upload here those new works I have so far.


